Bioagri Laboratories (Mérieux NutriSciences)Brazil Brazil


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BIOAGRI IS NOW MÉRIEUX NUTRISCIENCES With expertise and tradition of 25 years in the market of analytical services required by regulatory agencies for registration of agrochemicals, Mérieux NutriSciences (Bioagri) conquered its space in conducting GLP studies whose goal is to test agrochemicals including technical and formulated products to obtain data on its properties and safety with respect to human health and the environment. Now, it is part of one of the largest laboratories groups in the world, Mérieux NutriSciences, whose South American headquarter is located in Brazil. Mérieux NutriSciences is the largest private CRO in Latin America, which offers safety and quality control services for agrochemicals. Mérieux NutriSciences follows the studies in accordance to regulatory requirements of OECD, EPA, NBR, OPPTS, MAPA, ANVISA and IBAMA and the GLP laboratories are GLP compliant with CGCRE (INMETRO´s General Coordination for Accreditation in Brazil) as well as with SENAVE and SENASA in Paraguay and Argentina accreditation, respectively. For over four years Brazil is a full member of OECD-MAD (OECD Council Acts related to the Mutual Acceptance of Data) in several categories including Pesticides, their components and suchlike, and the GLP reports generated at Mérieux NutriSciences can be used for global registration as they are recognized by country members of OECD/MAD and adhering non-members.

About Mérieux NutriSciences: As part of Institut Mérieux, Mérieux NutriSciences offers customers a complete range of analytical and consulting services to ensure the safety and quality of products that have an impact on consumers’ health, by delivering a wide range of testing and consulting services in food & nutrition, pharmaceutical and medical products, cosmetics, consumer goods, water & environment, and agrochemicals.

Agrochemicals Unit Services: Five Batch analysis: Identify and quantify active ingredients and impurities in five representative batches of the technical product with validated method. It is one of the key studies to be submitted for registration of agrochemical products.

Physical-chemicalstudies: melting point, vapor pressure, stability, oxidizing properties and approximately 60 other physical chemical studies.

Toxicology studies: acute toxicity (including 6-pack with oral and dermal toxicity, skin sensitization, acute inhalation, dermal and eye irritation), and mutagenic studies (AMES and micronucleus studies).

Ecotoxicology studies: algae, fish, honeybee, earthworm, daphnia, quails, soil microorganisms (carbon and nitrogen tests).

QSAR analysis: Predicting the physico-chemical, toxicological and environmental fate properties of product.

Efficacy and residue field trials with strategic partner
Market reporting-Latin America(Brazil,Agentina,Paraguay,ect.), includes active ingredients analysis, product positioning

Find out more at

  • Address:Brazil (Agrochemicals Unit): Address: Rod. SP 127, Km 24 + 62 metros - Guamium, Zip code: 13412-000 Piracicaba/SP;  China lab: 2F~4F, Tower 3, No.3576, Zhaolou Road, Pujiang Town, Minhang District, Shanghai,China  
  • Website:


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# Business Magazine #

2024 Latin America Focus

2024 Latin America Focus


Language: English

Publication Date:Aug. 31, 2024

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