Oilseed rape |
70 g ai/ha |
Potatoes |
105-140 g ai/ha |
Sugar beet |
70 g ai/ha |
Hops |
7-14 g ai/ha |
Apples |
70 g ai/ha |
Sunflowers |
70 g ai/ha |
Citrus |
5-28 g ai/ha |
Ornamentals |
70-140 g ai/ha |
Vegetables |
35-140 g ai/ha |
Type |
AI concn |
Oil-in-water emulsion (EW) |
14% (w/v) |
Bobwhite quail |
LD50 8 mg/kg |
Rainbow trout [96 hrs] |
LC50 0.53 mg/litre |
Bluegill sunfish [96 hrs] |
LC50 0.88 mg/litre |
Bee [contact] |
LD50 >160μg/bee |
Fate in soil:
Triazamate is moderately mobile in soil. It has a half-life of less than one day.
Fate in aquatic systems:
The half-life of triazamate in aqueous solution varies from 1 hour to 10 days with decreasing pH.
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